What is Body Literacy?

Body literacy is to know and understand how your body is designed and functions. As a woman, this includes identifying the female organs and the purpose they serve, the four phases of the female cycle, hormones and ovulation.

Why is Body Literacy Important?

Body literacy is important because the more you understand how your body works, the more equipped you are to make informed decisions about your health. When you understand how your body functions in a state of health, you will be able to identify when your body is telling you something is wrong.

Body literacy provides you with the knowledge to track your cycle for one of the following reasons:

  1. Monitor overall health
  2. Prevent pregnancy
  3. Achieve pregnancy

What’s Coming Up Next?

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TPHC Women’s Health Instagram Page: @toknowyourbody

Email for Follow Up: womenshealth@turlockphc.com

FACTS about Fertility: What is Charting?

FACTS about Fertility Physician/Clinician/Educator Directory and Links to FABM websites:

Cycle Tracking Apps:

FDA Approved, Data Privacy, Algorithm Based:

Natural Cycles: https://www.naturalcycles.com/
(Tracks Basal Body Temperature (BBT). Requires Basal Body Thermometer. Compatible with Oura Ring)
*Approximately one month free trial available, then $14.99 monthly or $99.99 annually

Clue: https://helloclue.com/
(Tracks cervical mucus)
*Free version to track your period and basic information, Clue Plus is $9.99 monthly or $39.99 annually

Non-Predictive, Data Privacy, Customisable Digital Chart Tool:

Read Your Body: https://readyourbody.com/
(Compatible with TempDrop armband)
*30 day free trial available, then $2.69 monthly or $20.99 annually

*Workshops are taught by nurse-educators (RNs) and are for educational purposes only and not a replacement for seeking medical care.  Recommended/Suggested algorithm-based app resources will predict fertile and non-fertile days based on the data entered, but TPHC strongly encourages individuals to know and understand the signs observed related to the fertile window. TPHC, its physicians, staff, and affiliates are not responsible or liable for any pregnancy that may occur as a result of using FABMs or cycle tracking apps. TPHC does not guarantee the effectiveness of FABMs in preventing pregnancy, but rather it is one’s behavior and sexual activity that will determine the effectiveness of the chosen method and/or app.

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