What Are the Potential Complications of Untreated STIs?

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are more common than you might think, and many of the most common STIs don’t present any noticeable symptoms. This lack of symptoms can make it easy to ignore or remain unaware of an STI, but untreated infections can still cause significant health problems and spread to sexual partners. Read on…

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What Should I Do if My Pregnancy Test Is Negative but I Still Have Symptoms?

If you recently received a negative result on your at-home pregnancy test but are still having early pregnancy symptoms, there’s a chance that: You’re pregnant but took the pregnancy test too early for hCG levels to be detected You’re experiencing a health condition that mimics early pregnancy symptoms The only way to gain clarity about…

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Is Abortion Pill Reversal Hard on Your Body?

Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) is used to try and counteract the effects of mifepristone, the first drug used in a medication abortion regimen. While APR is most effective when taken promptly, it doesn’t pose ill effects on your health. If you regret your decision and wish to continue your pregnancy, you want information you can…

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Can You Reverse the Effects of the Abortion Pill?

If you’ve taken mifepristone, the first drug in a medication abortion or “abortion pill,” and regret your decision, there is hope. Starting the Abortion Pill Reversal method could allow you to continue your pregnancy and reverse this medication’s effects. Turlock Pregnancy and Health Center supplies women with the information they need to make confident pregnancy…

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When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

Knowing when to test for pregnancy can be difficult, especially if you have few to no symptoms. But it’s easier than you may think.  Turlock Pregnancy and Health Center is here for you. We provide no-cost, confidential pregnancy testing so you can get the answers you need. Possible Symptoms First, know that not all pregnancy…

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What’s the Difference Between the Abortion Pill and Plan B?

Understanding the facts about the abortion pill and Plan B is critical when you’re making a pregnancy decision. You deserve to be informed about each medication and its effects.  Turlock Pregnancy and Health Center provides medically accurate, fact-based information about your pregnancy so you can make an informed decision. Does the Abortion Pill Prevent Pregnancy?…

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What is the Difference Between a Blood and Urine Pregnancy Test?

Even if you’ve already taken an at-home pregnancy test, following up with a no-cost test at your local pregnancy center is best. You’ll confirm your results and determine the additional medical services you need there.  Both blood and urine-based pregnancy tests are highly accurate, though blood tests are not performed at home.  What Does a…

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How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

If you’re worried you’re pregnant, your first step is to take a pregnancy test. At-home kits can be found at grocery stores or pharmacies, or you can be tested at your doctor’s office or medical clinic.  Some women have obvious pregnancy symptoms like nausea and fatigue. Others may experience no more than a missed period….

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Will My Insurance Pay for My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

If your girlfriend has recently learned she’s pregnant, you both likely have much to consider. If the pregnancy was unexpected, you may be feeling emotions like fear, anxiety, and concern. These feelings are natural, and you’ll want to take time to process the news. Remember not to pressure your girlfriend into making a specific pregnancy…

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When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

Though some women are confident they’re pregnant based on their symptoms, others experience few to no symptoms and may be unsure when to take a test. This is normal; pregnancy is different for everyone, and it’s important to remember that specific symptoms can mirror those of other health conditions.  We’ll walk you through when to…

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